
Listen for keys combinations on document element


use-hotkeys accepts an array of hotkeys and handler tuples:

  • hotkey - hotkey string e.g. ctrl+E, shift+alt+L, mod+S
  • handler - event handler called when given combination was pressed
import { useHotkeys } from '@mantine/hooks';
function Demo() {
// ctrl + J and ⌘ + J to toggle color scheme
// ctrl + K and ⌘ + K to search
['mod+J', () => console.log('Toggle color scheme')],
['ctrl+K', () => console.log('Trigger search')],
['alt+mod+shift+X', () => console.log('Rick roll')],
return null;

Targeting elements

use-hotkeys hook can work only with document element, you will need to create your own event listener if you need to support other elements. For this purpose package exports getHotkeyHandler function which should be used with onKeyDown:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { getHotkeyHandler } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
import { TextInput } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
const [value, setValue] = useState("I've just used a hotkey to send a message");
const notifications = useNotifications();
const handleSubmit = () =>
notifications.showNotification({ title: 'Your message', message: value });
const handleSave = () =>
notifications.showNotification({ title: 'You saved', color: 'teal', message: value });
return (
placeholder="Your message"
label="Press ⌘+Enter or Ctrl+Enter when input has focus to send message"
onChange={(event) => setValue(}
['mod+Enter', handleSubmit],
['mod+S', handleSave],

Supported formats

  • mod+S – detects ⌘+S on macOS and Ctrl+S on Windows
  • ctrl+shift+X – handles multiple modifiers
  • alt + shift + L – you can use whitespace inside hotkey
  • ArrowLeft – you can use special keys using this format


function useHotkeys(hotKeyItem: Array<[hotkey: string, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void]>): void;