
MantineProvider component can be used to change theme globally. It is not required if you decide to use default theme:

import { MantineProvider, Button } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return <Button>My app button</Button>;
// Custom theme is applied to all components in App
function WithProvider() {
return (
<MantineProvider theme={{ fontFamily: 'Open Sans' }} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<App />

Theme object

Mantine theme is an object where your application's colors, fonts, spacing, border-radius and other design tokens are stored.

interface MantineTheme {
// Defines color scheme for all components, defaults to "light"
colorScheme: 'light' | 'dark';
// Controls focus ring styles:
// auto – display focus ring only when user navigates with keyboard (default)
// always – display focus ring when user navigates with keyboard and mouse
// never – focus ring is always hidden (not recommended)
focusRing: 'auto' | 'always' | 'never';
// Default border-radius used for most elements
defaultRadius: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | number;
// White and black colors, defaults to '#fff' and '#000'
white: string;
black: string;
// Object of arrays with 10 colors
colors: Record<string, Tuple<string, 10>>;
// Key of theme.colors
primaryColor: string;
// Index of color from theme.colors that is considered primary, Shade type is 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
primaryShade: Shade | { light: Shade; dark: Shade };
// font-family and line-height used in most components
fontFamily: string;
lineHeight: string | number;
// Timing function used for animations, defaults to 'ease'
transitionTimingFunction: string;
// Monospace font-family, used in Code, Kbd and Prism components
fontFamilyMonospace: string;
// Sizes for corresponding properties
fontSizes: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;
radius: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;
spacing: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;
// Values used for box-shadow
shadows: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', string>;
// Breakpoints used in some components to add responsive styles
breakpoints: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;
// h1-h6 styles, used in Title and TypographyStylesProvider components
headings: {
fontFamily: CSSProperties['fontFamily'];
fontWeight: CSSProperties['fontWeight'];
sizes: {
h1: { fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize']; lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'] };
h2: { fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize']; lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'] };
h3: { fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize']; lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'] };
h4: { fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize']; lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'] };
h5: { fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize']; lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'] };
h6: { fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize']; lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'] };
// theme functions, see in theme functions guide
fn: MantineThemeFunctions;
// Left to right or right to left direction, see RTL Support guide to learn more
dir: 'ltr' | 'rtl';
// Default loader used in Loader and LoadingOverlay components
loader: 'oval' | 'bars' | 'dots';
// Default date format used in DatePicker and DateRangePicker components
dateFormat: string;
// Add your own custom properties on Mantine theme
other: Record<string, any>;
// Default dates formatting locale used in every @mantine/dates component
datesLocale: string;

Pass theme object to MantineProvider to change global styles:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
// Theme is deeply merged with default theme
colorScheme: 'light',
colors: {
// Add your color
'deep-blue': ['#E9EDFC', '#C1CCF6', '#99ABF0' /* ... */],
// or replace default theme color
blue: ['#E9EDFC', '#C1CCF6', '#99ABF0' /* ... */],
shadows: {
// other shadows (xs, sm, lg) will be merged from default theme
md: '1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25)',
xl: '5px 5px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25)',
headings: {
fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
sizes: {
h1: { fontSize: 30 },
<YourApp />

Store theme override object in a variable

To store theme override object in a variable use MantineThemeOverride type:

import { MantineThemeOverride, MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
const myTheme: MantineThemeOverride = {
colorScheme: 'light',
primaryColor: 'orange',
defaultRadius: 0,
function App() {
return (
<MantineProvider theme={myTheme} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<YourApp />

use-mantine-theme hook

Hook returns theme from MantineProvider context or default theme if you did not wrap application with MantineProvider.

import { useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
const theme = useMantineTheme();
return <div style={{ background:[5] }} />;

Nested MantineProviders

If some parts of your application require different theme settings, you can wrap them with another MantineProvider:

Georgia or serif text
import { Button, MantineProvider, Text } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
return (
<MantineProvider theme={{ fontFamily: 'Georgia, serif' }}>
<Text align="center" mb="xs">Georgia or serif text</Text>
<MantineProvider theme={{ fontFamily: 'Greycliff CF, sans-serif' }}>
<Button>Greycliff CF button</Button>

Nested MantineProviders will inherit theme override, emotionOptions, defaultProps and styles from parent provider if inherit prop is set:

import { MantineProvider, Button } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
// Parent MantineProvider
theme={{ colorScheme: 'dark' }}
styles={{ Button: { root: { fontWeight: 400 } } }}
defaultProps={{ Badge: { variant: 'outline' } }}
emotionOptions={{ key: 'custom-cache' }}
<Button>Affected only by parent provider</Button>
Child MantineProvider, inherits theme, emotionOptions, defaultProps and styles
from parent MantineProvider. Other properties specified on child provider will override parent props.
For example, theme override will be: { colorScheme: 'dark', primaryColor: 'red' }
<MantineProvider theme={{ primaryColor: 'red' }} inherit>
<Button>Affected only by child provider</Button>

Styles on MantineProvider

You can add context styles to components that support Styles API with MantineProvider. All components that are rendered inside MantineProvider will inherit those styles:

Dot badge
import { MantineProvider, Button, Badge, ButtonStylesParams } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
return (
Button: (theme, params: ButtonStylesParams) => ({
// Shared button styles are applied to all buttons
root: { height: 42, padding: '0 30px' },
filled: {
// subscribe to component params
color: theme.colors[params.color || theme.primaryColor][1],
// These styles are applied only to buttons with outline variant
outline: {
// You can use any selectors inside (the same way as in createStyles function)
'&:hover': {
theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[8] : theme.colors.gray[0],
// Use raw styles object if you do not need theme dependency
Badge: {
dot: {
borderWidth: 2,
<Button variant="outline">Outline button</Button>
<Button variant="filled" color="cyan">Filled button</Button>
<Badge variant="dot">Dot badge</Badge>

If component does not specify Styles API selectors, then in most cases you can add styles using root selector:

import { MantineProvider, Text } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
styles={{ Text: { root: { fontSize: 20 } } }}
<Text>20px text</Text>

Classes on MantineProvider

Same as with styles you can add classes to all components with classNames prop on MantineProvider:

import { MantineProvider, Button } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
classNames={{ Button: { root: 'button-root', label: 'button-label' } }}
<Button>All Button components will have the classes above</Button>

This approach is useful when you want to styles components with utility based CSS libraries.

Mantine CSS variables

If you prefer to style components with CSS/SCSS or other styling solutions that do not have access to Mantine theme context, then you can use Mantine CSS variables. To add css variables set withCSSVariables prop on MantineProvider:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
<MantineProvider withCSSVariables withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<YourApp />

Then you will be able to use variables anywhere in your CSS:

.my-button {
background-color: var(--mantine-color-blue-6);
font-family: var(--mantine-font-family);
line-height: var(--mantine-line-height);

Mantine exposes the following CSS variables based on theme you provide:

  • --mantine-color-white
  • --mantine-color-black
  • --mantine-transition-timing-function
  • --mantine-line-height
  • --mantine-font-family
  • --mantine-font-family-monospace
  • --mantine-font-family-headings
  • --mantine-heading-font-weight
  • --mantine-shadow-{size}, e.g. --mantine-shadow-sm, --mantine-shadow-xl
  • --mantine-radius-{size}, e.g. --mantine-radius-sm, --mantine-radius-xl
  • --mantine-spacing-{size}, e.g. --mantine-spacing-sm, --mantine-spacing-xl
  • --mantine-font-size-{size}, e.g. --mantine-font-size-sm, --mantine-font-size-xl
  • --mantine-color-{color}-{shade}, e.g. --mantine-color-blue-6, --mantine-color-gray-0
  • --mantine-{heading}-font-size, e.g. --mantine-h1-font-size
  • --mantine-{heading}-line-height, e.g, --mantine-h3-line-height

Default props on MantineProvider

All Mantine components support default props on MantineProvider:

import { MantineProvider, Button, Badge } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
Button: { color: 'red' },
Badge: { size: 'xl', radius: 0 },
// ... default props for other components
{/* By default, Button will have red color */}
<Button>Red button</Button>
{/* Default color can be overwritten by props */}
<Button color="blue">Blue button</Button>
{/* By default, Badge will have xl size and 0 radius */}

Normalize.css and global styles

MantineProvider includes normalize.css and some extra global styles added to body element:

  • background-color to theme.colors.dark[7] in dark color scheme and theme.white in light
  • color to theme.colors.dark[0] in dark color scheme and in light
  • font-family and font-smoothing based on theme
  • font-size to

To enable these global styles, set withNormalizeCSS and withGlobalStyles props:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
<MantineProvider withNormalizeCSS withGlobalStyles>
<YourApp />

Configure emotion

You can provide emotion options to MantineProvider to configure emotion cache:

  • key (required) – the prefix before class names, defaults to mantine
  • container – a DOM node that emotion will insert all of its style tags into. This is useful for inserting styles into iframes.
  • prepend - a boolean representing whether to prepend rather than append style tags into the specified container DOM node
  • stylisPlugins – an array of Stylis plugins that will be run by Stylis during preprocessing, for example stylis-plugin-rtl can be used to add RTL support
import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
<MantineProvider emotionOptions={{ key: 'mantine' }} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<YourApp />

Change styles insertion point

By default, Mantine components styles are prepended to head to allow overrides. To make Mantine styles override other styles, set prepend to false. With this option styles will be added at the end of head element:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
emotionOptions={{ key: 'mantine', prepend: false }}
<YourApp />

Change classes prefix

To change classes prefix set emotionOptions.key property:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
function App() {
return (
<MantineProvider emotionOptions={{ key: 'custom-key' }} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<YourApp />

Now classes will follow this pattern: custom-key-{random part}.